We ship only within the Lower 48 States and do not ship to Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, and other US territories. Orders typically ship within 1-2 business days from the date of purchase, and average shipping times are 2-5 business days.
- The following shipping rates are flat rates based on your order’s total:
- $6 on orders under $50
- $8 on orders between $50-90
- $12 on orders over $90
- Faster shipping is available by request only. Please reach out to Customer Service for more details.
- All orders are subject to verification for consumer protection; this can extend your order’s processing times. For questions about your order status, please reach out to Customer Service.
- We do not ship outside the US. Please use our Dealer Locator to find the closest store in your country.
- If we do not have a store in your country/territory, or they do not carry the product you want, you can try shipping your order to a US-based freight forwarder or to any US-based address that is willing to receive and send your packages on your behalf. Note that you are responsible for any additional taxes and fees.
- The above rules also apply to any warranty shipments.